Sometimes when you feel like you have been buried, you have actually been planted.
Grows lots of plants. Find their house cluttered with succulents and herbs. Their power grants them a green thumb so they never kill a plant
Green Witch:Is the practice of nature-based and earth oriented witchcraft, drawing on the folklore, folk religion and folk magic of ancient cultures as they connected to the forest; such as the tree worship of Druids, the kitchen craft of Italian witches or the keeping of sacred groves as presented in Gallic paganism. Green witches usually practice a traditional form of witchcraft in which the earth, trees, herbs, plants and flowers are consulted for their medicinal and magical value. They will grow their own herbs or Wildcraft them, and are very good at making herbal remedies. Belief in deities depends on the individual witch, though many Green witches acknowledge and earth mother or series of nature spirits as their deity. Usually, the spirits of nature, the dead (that of humans and animals) or the Fey have a large part in Green traditions. A form of green witchcraft which is better classified as Green Wicca was popularized by Ann Moura.

Green (Garden) Witch is a practitioner of witchcraft whose focus is on the use of natural items and places. The goal of the Green Witch is upon achieving magic through communion with Mother Nature and using Her energies. A Green witch is very similar to a Kitchen/Cottage witch with the exception that the Green witch practices in the fields and forest in order to be closer to the Divine spirit. The Green witch makes his or her own tools from accessible materials from outdoors. A Green or Garden Witch, that works primarily with floral materials and flowers in their practice is often called a Flora Witch and one who works with herbs and other plants a Herbal Witch.
Everyday Plant Magic
-Draw sigils on your pots to promote growth
-Enchant circles in your garden
-Water your plants with moon, sun, or storm water
-Help your plant babies grow with songs
-Use crystals to charge your soil
-Charge the soil with your palms
-Whisper Positive Mantras to your plant friends
-Every time a houseplant graduates to a bigger pot, treat it as a coming of age ritual.
“Welcome to your brand new home.
Just look at how much you’ve grown.”
Herbs & flowers for anxiety and stress, that also help with insomnia
Chamomile - this herb is anti-stress and calming, inducing feelings of sleep and relaxation as it rids you of anxiety and improves your mood. This herb goes well in a cup of tea with lemon balm, which is used to promote relaxation and improve outlook.
Lemon Balm - this herb brightens the spirit as it relieves anxiety and gives you a sense of calm. It soothes the nerves and relaxes, making it an excellent herb to add to a nightly tea. Some studies show that lemon balm reduces alertness and processing speed due to mild sedation, so it might be wiser to use it more during the evening and night.
Lavender - this calming herb soothes anxiety and induces sleepiness as it is very relaxing, so it’s a good herb for a nightly tea taken an hour before sleep. It also makes a fragrant incense and a good aromatherapy. You can try putting some lavender oil on your pillow.
Turmeric - an excellent anti-inflammatory herb. It calms anxiety. especially anxiety associated with chronically activated stress response.
Rhodiola - this is an adaptogen herb; therefore it has a direct effect on your stress levels and your ability to control and manage stress. Relieves anxiety and encourages calmness and relaxation as it reduces your stress and anxiousness.
Passionflower - this is used as a natural medicine to help anxiety. It has calming effects, which will help those who feel restless and anxious. It induces sleepiness, so you can try it as a nightly tea.
Reishi Mushroom! Calming and relaxing, reishi mushroom is a great thing for anxiousness (and specifically one of the best adaptogens for it) and anxiety that causes sleeplessness.
Did you know?
-Cacti are some of the only plants to photosynthesize from their stems. Their needles are really just modified leaves.
-Avocados are only around because people pollinate and disperse them by hand. The large seed is indigestible to small mammals now. It was originally eaten by giant sloths who would poop them out far away from the parent tree so they can grow. This is called an evolutionary anachronism.
-Banana candy does not taste like bananas because it was designed to taste like the Gros Michel banana which was eaten in the pre-1950s. It was wiped out by a fungus called panama disease. Since bananas are asexual all of them are genetically identical making it easy to wipe them all out at once. However fungus is sexual so it evolves more quickly. This means eventually we may lose the modern banana, the Cavendish, to it as well.
-There are actually three different types of photosynthesis: C3, C4, and CAM. Which type is used depends on the aridness of the environment, and are increasingly more efficient as listed.
-Moss is amazing. The fuzzy part of the moss is called the gametophyte stage and it is haploid meaning it has one set of chromosomes like a sperm or an egg cell in humans. If you look closely, sometimes you will what look like little tiny seeds on stems coming out of the main body. This is the sporophyte stage and it’s diploid, or has two sets of chromosomes, like our body cells. Moss is the oldest type of plant.
-You can usually tell what animal pollinates a plant by the color and shape of its flowers. Red flowers are hardly ever pollinated by bees because bees cannot see red well. Butterfly flowers have long deep centers. Bird pollinated plants can bear weight and are wide and open. Bat pollinated plants usually smell strongly and are darkly colored.
-Almost all American native elms and chestnut trees are extinct because of fungi. Asian chestnut and elm have replaced them, because they are resistant to the strains.
-There is a type of fern that has over 1200 chromosomes. For reference, humans have 46.
-If you shine consistent low level red light on a plant it will grow extremely tall, because red light tells the plant it is being shaded by and competing with other plants. If you shine consistent green light on a plant it will not sprout or die (if already sprouted) because plants absorb red and blue light to use. This is also why plants are green, because the unused green light is reflected back out.
Home Green Magick
-An apple can be used for a simple house blessing; cut an apple in half, and eat one half in your home. place the other outside, in the backyard or front porch, as an offering to good spirits for protection and warm energy.
-Bay leaves can be placed in the corners of a room to banish evil from it and protect those within it.
-A cactus can be grown near a house to offer strong protection; even stronger protection is gained by planting cacti at all for corners of the home.
-Planting catnip in the garden, or hanging it above your door, will attract good spirits and good luck.
-Chamomile can be sprinkled about in the home to break curses and unwanted spells cast on or in the home.
-Cilantro brings peace and harmony to a home.
-Clover can be sprinkled around a home to banish unwanted spirits.
-Garlic can be hung in a home to bring its inhabitants closer together.
-Ivy plants can be hung to deter unwanted guests.
-Lavender can be burned and its ashes sprinkled about to cultivate rest and tranquility within the home.
-Orange peel can be placed in windowsills to bless the house with angel and sun energy.
-Peppermint can be burned as a smoke cleanser to remove illness and negative energy from a new home.
-A sprig of pine can be hung in the home to bless it and its inhabitants.
-Sachets of saffron can bring happiness to the home.
-Thyme burned or hung inside brings good health to its residents.

Window Altars
One easy way to create an altar is to take up a windowsill. Depending on the arrangement of the room you’re using, your personal preference, and the space available, the size of this type of altar varies.
This generally small altar space can be good for witches in the broom closet and green witches who like to keep their altars populated with plant friends. Because it is literally a window to the outside, these altars are also great places for charging things like crystals, spells, and water under the light of the moon.
Good for altars that are heavily planted (hello, sunlight!)
Generally discreet
Keeps your altar space contained (for all us witches that do not know when to quit.
Garden Altars
While pretty much any altar can include plants, there is something else to say for an altar that is almost completely plants. If you have some space indoors, why not design a witch’s garden that doubles as an altar space?
A small tray planted with succulents with offering bowls and candle dishes set into the soil and crystals scattered around can be a unique, and even moveable altar! You could also use potted plants so that you can change the arrangement or plants out whenever you need a refresh.
Deeply connected to nature and the earth
Pluck herbs for spells right off your altar
Generally pretty moveable
Witch tips
-Remember to pay attention to plants as you would pets if you want them to thrive. wipe the dust off their leaves, spray them with water, spend time observing their changes.
-Growing basil in your kitchen wards away negativity.
-The best time to plant herbs is when the moon is in Cancer, Libra, Scorpio or Pisces.
-Garden Witch tip: During the season of May 1 - Summer Solstice plant a circle of Sunflowers during a sunset around the time of the full moon. Sow the seeds clockwise then pack the earth counterclockwise. You will be greeted by a rather pleasant energy.
-Grow basil in your kitchen to keep the space safe from negative spirits
Similar Witch types
Flora - Much like a Green or Garden witch, those who work majorily with floral materials and flowers in their practice and in their spellwork! Their grimoire may be heavily associated with flowers rather than herbs, and likewise, one might use flower properties in spell or craft work.
Garden - While having a garden and/or working in any type of garden; magick that is mostly (if not all) herbal and botanical-related! Garden witches take pride and find it calming or invigorating to work the earth, harvest that which they have planted, and are closely related to Green type
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