keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2014

It can´t rain all the time

Last month has been full of traveling, friends, photoshoots, stress, laughing, joy and pain. I am finally back home (for a while at least) but I still feel restless. I constantly need to be somewhere else, see people and do things. I need to enjoy this life before it ends. Above my mind there is a cloud so dark. Water keeps pulling me down and the same time I feel like I am part of something wonderful, something new and strange.. and yet, nothing has changed and I am still here. I can´t catch my dreams and I am not sure about the reality. I am a living ghost who watch the life passing by and want to touch it. There is so much, oh so much to feel. And oh how much I feel. I have so much love and sorrow in my heart at the moment that I don´t now can I stand it. I feel like I am doing everything very slow and I keep drifting apart and yet I am trying to do everything so fast. This is really hard to explain and I think I don´t even need to. If someone understands, that is fine too. I just want.. everything. Not stuff, but important things. I can almost touch them.

Today´s outfit:

Hat: Seppälä, from Laura
Wig: Second hand
Dress: From Frillycakes 
Shoes: Second hand

torstai 2. lokakuuta 2014


Today´s outfit

Hat/Scarf: From Tiina
Bag: From Veera
Shirt: H&M
Stockings: Punanaamio
Shoes: From Anna

Annalta päädyin yökyläilemään loppuosaksi Turun reissua Tiinan luokse. Meillä on tapana joka kerta jaksoa tavatessa hirveä läjä kaikenlaisia leffoja (nyt katsottiin mm. Practical Magic ja Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters jota en ollut aiemmin nähnytkään, rakastuin siihen, oli meinaan niin hupaisaa katsottavaa ja muutenkin ihanasti tehty), syödä tonnikalapastaa ja käydä yöllisillä kävelyillä. Viime kerralla mentiin Linnan suunnalle jokea pitkin, tällä kertaa mentiin tutkimaan tunnelmallista toista puolta. Eniten Turussa mua varmaan kiehtoo kaikenlaiset pikkukahvilat ja kaikki vanhat upeat isot talot. Niille ei mitkään uudet pytingit lyö kyllä vertoja, oli pakko räpsiä vähän niistä arkkitehtuurijutuistakin kuvia..

Öisin on mahtavaa kävellä kaksistaan, valot heijastuu vedestä ihanasti, joka puolella on tunnelmallisia valoja, ravintoloiden ulkopuolella on palavia tunnelmalyhtyjä ja jopa tien vierestä menee pitkä pätkä ihania vanhan ajan lyhtypylväitä joihin rakastuin ihan täysillä. Rannan penkitkin oli paikoittain ihanan koristeellisia ja lyhtyjen tavoin kivan gootikkaita. Huokailin vaan siellä kulttuurionnesta ja syksynhajuista sai mahtavan loppusilauksen. Olin myös ehtinyt unohtaa ison hämähäkkiseitin joen varrella, kyllä mä siitä niin innostuinkin, jäin pällistelemään sitä moneksi minuutiksi.

When I travel to see my friends I like to sleep over with couple of the same trip. From Anna I went to Tiina´s place and like always, we watched lots of movies (Like Practical Magic and Hansel and Gretel, Witch hunters, it was awesome by the way!), eat lots of pasta and we go for a walk in the middle of the night. When lights are everywhere, autumn smells better than anything, you have your girlfriend beside you, gorgeous old buildings, absolutely lovely old kind of lanternlights, trees that change color and big spider webs on the rocks, you can imagine why I love to do these night walks.

keskiviikko 1. lokakuuta 2014

I can smell the autumn

I really needed a holiday trip with my friends. Last week so many things started to do wrong again and my stress level was getting higher and higher. I even had one day delay and I was very close to not even going anywhere. Sometimes it is too easy to give up and just stay home and cry all the things that has went wrong that you forget that life isn´t that bad after all. I am really glad I left because I had awesome photoshoots, I saw 3 my top 5 persons (why they all live in Turku?), had such awesome dinners, movienights, makeovers and animal cuteness that I can´t even stand it. I even remembered to photograph few of my daily outfits. This was my Saturday outfit. 

My two days with Anna was full of kittycats, hugs, hours and hours of loud talking and laughing, Ghibli movies (I can´t get Totoro theme song out of my head), tortillas and candle light. I even had I extra bag full of clothes from Anna. I really recommend to change clothes with your friends for free, it is so fun. How has your autumn started? Can you believe, it is finally October...

Today´s outfit

Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Second hand
Shoes: Second hand
Hat: H&M